Thursday, September 4, 2008

Readings for week 3

These readings were all about computer operating systems. I personally have a Windows operating system, using XP. I have not switched over to Vista, and I have heard that there are problems with Vista. The website from this week's reading about Windows confirmed that Vista does have some problems. Windows has been the most popular operating system for years, but, as the website said, the release of Vista was very ambitious. The operating system changed many things, some of which were changed so much that older programs can no longer be used with Vista.
The websites about Mac OS X were very interesting. The first one was very hard to follow for me, since I know very little about computer programming. The wikipedia site helped me understand a bit better what the first site was about. I have always liked Macs, but never have owned one. When I bought my last computer, I debated about whether to get a Mac or PC, and I chose a PC. My sister got a Mac, and I think she made a good choice. Mac's operating system is easy to use, has very good graphics, and does not have problems with spyware. I think the next computer I get, whenever that ends up being, will be a Mac.
I thought the website about the Linux operating system was very informative. I didn't know very much about Linux before reading this information. I thought it was great that Linux is free! Linux is based on a UNIX system, and is written in C-programming language. Linux was, and still is, created by many people, it can be constantly updated, and runs without needing to reboot. All of this sounded good to me, except the website went on to say that Linux is not very user-friendly for new users, and that there are so many distributors it can be hard to know which to choose. I do not think that I will choose to switch to Linux, but I am glad I was able to learn that there is another option out there, which I knew very little about before.


Andrea said...

I haven't made the switch to Vista yet, either, but will in a few weeks when my new laptop arrives... I'm very nervous! My roommate and I were discussing Linux and its user-friendliness, and he says that you really don't have to know anything, just where to look for linux help.

Laura said...

I was told to stay away from Vista for a few months so that the bugs could be worked out. This influenced me to switch to a MAC when I purchased my new computer. However, my roommates got new computers with Vista right after it was released and they have never had any problems with the system. I think its different for everyone.