Friday, October 24, 2008

Reading notes- Week 9

-Intro to XML: Martin Bryan: I found this article to be kind of confusing. It is about XML, which stands for extensible markup language. XML has many elements which help improve it over other markup languages. The DTD it uses makes it so you cannot put the text in out of order. It contains documents composed of logical elements, and attributes which describe how the elements should be processed.
XML Standards: Uche Ogbuji: This article was even more confusing than the last one. It contains many tutorial links and definitions for different XML terms. The term definitions were not very clear, maybe because I do not yet have a complete base knowledge of XML or other markup languages.
XML Tutorial: Andre Bergholz: This article was the easiest to read through and understand. I understood more about XML from this article than from the other two. XML markup is easier for humans to read and for computers to process. It uses DTD, which works like syntax in a sentence, to make it more readable and not out of order. There is something used called namespaces which act like name tags. These make sure that no two elements have the same name, which would screw up the code. XML allows for more semantic management of information than other code languages do, which makes it more user-friendly.
XML schema tutorial: XML scheme works like DTD, it provides the “building blocks” of the language. It defines elements and attributes. But it is also seen to be easier to use and better than DTD. It allows for future additions, supports namespaces, and is written in XML. The author of this article believes that this will soon be used more than DTD and is more useful.

Muddiest Point- Week 8

In last week's muddiest point I asked about fast-track weekend, and I am asking again today. I am a fast-track student, and I have another class scheduled to meet at the same time on Saturday the 1st. I don't know exactly what I should do. The other class is LIS 2332. I know that LIS2600 is taping the same class on wednesday, and 2332 is not taping the class. If you had any advise that would be great.

A class related muddiest point i have is about metadata. I know that metadata can be written in HTML, but when it is in a webpage it does not show the mark-up. How can metadata and the mark-up about it be shared if the mark-up is not seen on the web?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Reading notes- week 8

Reading notes week 8:
-HTML Tutorial:
In this tutorial, it starts by simply explaining what HTML means (Hyper Text Markup language) From here it has you do a simple exercise in Notepad, in which you write in HTML language, save the document, then open this same document in your internet browser. By doing this I learned the very very basics of how a webpage is made. I found this activity to be simple, yet it gave me an understanding of something I never knew how to do before, it also made me wonder how much more complex WebPages are made.
-HTML Cheat Sheet:
This article was a collection of HTML “Cheats”, or commonly used html markups that allow you to do many things with your webpage, including change colors, make links, change the size or style of the text, and make menus. This site answered a few questions I had from the previous article, by giving me the shortcuts to make slightly more complicated web-pages.
-CSS Tutorial:
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. Styles are how an HTML page is displayed, and multiple styles can cascade into one. I was honestly not totally sure what all this meant at the end of the page, except that using this can save time and allow you to make multiple pages at once in the same style. I am still a little confused as to how to really use this and what it really means.
-Beyond HTML: Goans, Leach and Vogel
This article starts by explaining that the Georgia State University library had used a Front-Page web site to make library subject guides. There were very few guidelines, and there were 15 people working on this project. Because of the diversity of the people involved, and the lack of structure, the WebPages ended up looking very different, and being very hard to use from one to the next. There needed to be a way that course materials, including books, databases, journals and websites could be accessed. They thought that they should use a CMS, or content management system, instead of allowing those making the pages to simply use their own html. Some libraries use CMS to make updating the pages easier, while others use it to control a situation like Georgia State had: with too many differences from contributors. CMS systems have to be created, whether through open source or purchased software, or by having someone in the library create it. In the end, the transfer to CMS was smooth, and helped to organize the library.

Muddiest Point week 7

I am wondering if the lecture taking place duing fast-track weekend will be taped?

Do Bluetooth devices have IP addresses, or any similar type of identifyer?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Reading Notes- week 7

-Jeff Tyson, from How Stuff Works: This page is about how the internet works, and it explains some important parts of it. The internet is not owned by anyone, it is a network of global connections all joined together. While the internet itself is not owned, to get to it most people must sign up to use an ISP, or internet service provider, and pay a fee to use this service. Routers help to increase how fast your computer can go from one page to another. I never through about the fact that routers are computers, I knew they existed, but I never questioned directly what they were and what they did. I had heard of IP addresses before, and knew that each computer has its own unique IP address while connected to the internet. Two terms I had heard before but never knew what they meant are URL, and HTTP. These were both explained well in this article. A URL is a uniform resource locator, and it is the common name used for a website. HTTP is a hypertext transfer protocol; this was a little less clear to me exactly what it is and what it does.
-Andrew Pace- ILS: This article is about how libraries everywhere have to change and update their existing Integrated Library Systems. The reason for this is that they need newer technology to better serve their patrons both in the library and across the web. There has been some competition between the soft wear companies for this, competing to be the new popular ILS. The better systems cost more money, and open-source is not the best answer. There is still a search in libraries to fin the best new ILS.
-Google Video, Brin and Page: This video was very informative and also very funny. They explained how Google is constantly expanding, and how it is a global service in many different languages. Google funds their searched through advertisements, not by charging people to search. They also explained how many of the new programs from Google are created in their soft wear engineer’s spare time are small projects, or googlettes ( was one of these!). I found this video to be very interesting, since I use Google often, I liked seeing the people behind this site and hearing what they had to say about it.

muddiest point week 6

In networks, How many computers use dial-up, how many use cable, and how many use DSL? Is there a difference between how my computer (using roadrunner) communicates with a computer using DSL or dial-up? Can my computer "know" what other computers in a network use?